Quick Start

Installing Conduit and Third Party Dependencies

The quickest path to install conduit and its dependencies is via uberenv:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/llnl/conduit.git
cd conduit
python3 scripts/uberenv/uberenv.py --install --prefix="build"

After this completes, build/conduit-install will contain a Conduit install.

For more details about building and installing Conduit see Building. This page provides detailed info about Conduit’s CMake options, uberenv and Spack support. We also provide info about building for known HPC clusters using uberenv and a Docker example that leverages Spack.

Installing Conduit with pip

If you want to use Conduit primarily in Python, another option is to build Conduit with pip. This assumes you have CMake in your path.

Basic Install:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/llnl/conduit.git
cd conduit
pip install . --user

If you have a system MPI and an existing HDF5 install you can add those to the build using environment variables.

Install with HDF5 and MPI:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/llnl/conduit.git
cd conduit
env ENABLE_MPI=ON HDF5_DIR={path/to/hdf5_dir} pip install . --user

See Pip Install Docs for more details.

Using Conduit in Your Project

The install includes examples that demonstrate how to use Conduit in a CMake-based build system and via a Makefile.

CMake-based build system example (see: examples/conduit/using-with-cmake):

# Example that shows how to use an installed instance of Conduit in another
# CMake-based build system.
# To build:
#  mkdir build
#  cd build
#  cmake -DCONDUIT_DIR={conduit install path} ../
#  make
#  ./conduit_example
# If run in sub directory of a conduit install, 
# CONDUIT_DIR will default to ../../..
#  mkdir build
#  cd build
#  cmake ..
#  make
#  ./conduit_example

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)


# Option 1: import conduit using an explicit path (recommended)

# Provide default CONDUIT_DIR that works in a conduit install
    set(CONDUIT_DIR "../../..")

# Check for valid conduit install

# if given relative path, resolve
get_filename_component(CONDUIT_DIR ${CONDUIT_DIR} ABSOLUTE)
# check for expected cmake exported target files
if(NOT EXISTS ${CONDUIT_DIR}/lib/cmake/conduit/ConduitConfig.cmake)
    message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find Conduit CMake include file (${CONDUIT_DIR}/lib/cmake/conduit/ConduitConfig.cmake)")

# Use CMake's find_package to import conduit's targets
# using explicit path
find_package(Conduit REQUIRED
             PATHS ${CONDUIT_DIR}/lib/cmake/conduit)

# Option 2: import conduit using find_package search
## Add Conduit's install path to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH 
## and use following find_package call to import conduit's targets
# find_package(Conduit REQUIRED)

# If Conduit was built with c++11 support, make sure we enable it

# create our example 
add_executable(conduit_example conduit_example.cpp)

# link to conduit targets
target_link_libraries(conduit_example conduit::conduit)

# if you are using conduit's python CAPI capsule interface
# target_link_libraries(conduit_example conduit::conduit_python)

# if you are using conduit's mpi features
#    find_package(MPI COMPONENTS CXX)
# endif()
# target_link_libraries(conduit_example conduit::conduit_mpi)

Makefile-based build system example (see: examples/conduit/using-with-make):

# Example that shows how to use an installed instance of Conduit in Makefile
# based build system.
# To build:
#  make CONDUIT_DIR={conduit install path} 
#  ./conduit_example
# From within a conduit install:
#  make 
#  ./conduit_example
# Which corresponds to:
#  make CONDUIT_DIR=../../../ 
#  ./conduit_example

CONDUIT_DIR ?= ../../..

# See $(CONDUIT_DIR)/share/conduit/conduit_config.mk for detailed linking info
include $(CONDUIT_DIR)/share/conduit/conduit_config.mk

# If Conduit was built with c++11 support, make sure we enable it
CXX_FLAGS = $(if $(CONDUIT_USE_CXX11),-std=c++11)

	$(CXX) $(CXX_FLAGS) $(INC_FLAGS) conduit_example.cpp $(LNK_FLAGS) -o conduit_example

	rm -f conduit_example

Learning Conduit

To get starting learning the core Conduit API, see the Conduit Tutorials for C++ and Python.