Quick Start

Installing Conduit and Third Party Dependencies

The quickest path to install conduit and its dependencies is via uberenv:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/llnl/conduit.git
cd conduit
python scripts/uberenv/uberenv.py --install --prefix="build"

After this completes, build/conduit-install will contain a Conduit install.

For more details about building and installing Conduit see Building. This page provides detailed info about Conduit’s CMake options, uberenv and Spack support. We also provide info about building for known HPC clusters using uberenv and a Docker example that leverages Spack.

Using Conduit in Your Project

The install includes examples that demonstrate how to use Conduit in a CMake-based build system and via a Makefile.

CMake-based build system example (see: examples/conduit/using-with-cmake):

Example that shows how to use an installed instance of Conduit in another
CMake-based build system.

To build:
 mkdir build
 cd build
 cmake -DCONDUIT_DIR={conduit install path} ../

Makefile-based build system example (see: examples/conduit/using-with-make):

Example that shows how to use an installed instance of Conduit in Makefile
based build system.

To build:
 make CONDUIT_DIR={conduit install path} 

From within a conduit install:

Learning Conduit

To get starting learning the core Conduit API, see the Conduit Tutorials for C++ and Python.